Friday, March 30, 2007

Run, Forrest, Run!

This week I've been working in the office (not exactly a regular occurrence) and so at lunchtime, I've been running with Matt (and sometimes Amy). We've been running through the botanical gardens (see picture above). It's a nice change from running on a treadmill, that's for sure!


Anonymous said...

Local running pundits have labeled Craire as the next Hicham El Guerrouj.

Anonymous said...

Local running pundits have labeled Craire as the next Hicham El Guerrouj.

Anonymous said...

I'd say more of a Cathy Freeman

Anonymous said...

I beat you El Guerrouj!

Anonymous said...

Whoever you are, this is a serious blog. So unless you start making some more accurate suggestions ie: Cathy Freeman, Marion Jones, Paula Radcliffe, Gail Devers, Jana Pittman, Lorraine Moller, Toni Hodgkinson or Melissa Moon. Get lost. nb: the above are all considered to be good comparisons to myself

Anonymous said...

kozxJana Pittman is a bit of a Claire Smith look a like

april said...

Now that would be motivating --- flowers instead of a CNN screen in front of you! I must run outside more.

Anonymous said...

But seriously... Where have you been. I haven't seen you pounding the pavement or at the gym in awhile.

Only 367 Days till Beijing 2008!
Will you be ready.

Anonymous said...

Are you running in the world champs?
- Hicham El Guerrouj